MOA Museum of Art Children’s Art Exhibition in Japan

About MOA Museum of Art Children's Art Exhibition

The founder of MOA Museum of Art, Mokichi Okada, had a firm belief that the ideal world of eternal peace should be filled with perfect truth and virtue, and he especially invested his energy to cultivate art and cultural activities. In promoting his belief, the museum has been holding exhibitions of outstanding artworks of Japan and the Orient and encouraging Japanese traditional performing arts. We also have been working in promoting many other art and cultural activities, educational and charitable programs such as flower arrangements, cha-no-yu ceremonies and stage performances. The Children’s Art Exhibition is one of these programs we have started with the wish for children to think and learn about the value of life and ‘mental enrichment’ through their creative activities in their every-day lives. We have been working on this program nationally with families, districts, and schools. We believe that with those individuals who share the same wish or views for children working hand in hand, the ideal society of ‘truth, virtue, and beauty’ would emerge.

MOA Museum

Exhibition Period

Exhibition Period: February 5(Sun.),2017 – February 28(Tue.), 2017
Awarding Ceremony: February 19(Sun.),2017 10:00 a.m
Place: Museum Noh Theater


MOA Cultural Foundation



Total of 452,759 works (303,095 drawings, 149,664calligraphies) Total of 8,953 schools, Total of 414 exhibit halls (384 in Japan, 30 abroad).


Drawing section

Calligraphy section

Group section

History of the Children’s Art Exhibition Award