Donations & Contributions

MOA Museum of Art is funded mainly by donations and Membership subscriptions apart from the admission revenue. In order to sustain our endeavors in promoting art throughout the world, we are accepting donations and other contributions from our visitors and supporters.
Our endeavors include, in addition to the management of our museums in Atami and Hakone, organizing a wide range of activities and educational programs both in Japan and worldwide. These incluide touring art exhibitions, the Children’s Art Exhibition, free distribution of flower arrangements for the public facilities (such as railway stations and schools throughout Japan), and programs on ikebana flower arrangement, chanoyu tea ceremony and art workshops for local communities.


MOA Museum of Art Children’s Art Exhibition

Encouraging children to develop and express their creativity, MOA Museum of Art has been holding the Children’s Art Exhibition

Japanese Flower Arrangement “Ikebana”

Tea Ceremony Experience (Matcha Making Experience)


School Programs and School Visits

The art class supported by Agency for Cultural Affairs

The Special Exhibition at Sendai City Museum

The Special Exhibition at Sendai City Museum


Use of Contribution Money


Donation Status

As a token of our heartfelt respects and gratitude, we post the names of the donors on our homepage.
List of contributors (Website of the Foundation)

*If you wish to remain anonymous, please state it in your donation application form.

Personal Donations


Credit Card Contribution (Visa, MasterCard, and Diners)


Personal Donations (income tax deduction)


Personal donations to the Mokichi Okada Art and Culture Foundation can be claimed for income tax deduction. To do so, you need to declare your donations in your tax return.
The following formula applies when calculating your deductible amount:

(the total amount donated within the year - 2,000 yen) x 40%
*The upper limit of the tax deduction is 40% of your income. The deductible amount cannot exceed 25% of the total income tax.


Donation from an organization/group

Special account for the donation to public interest incorporated foundations

For incorporated organizations, a special accounting applies for donations given to designated public-interest institutions, such as our Mokichi Okada Art and Culture Foundation. This account allows to exceed the upper limit of the general deductible account.

However, this exception only applies to the fiscal accounting in Japan. If you are based in a country or region outside Japan, please consult information issued by your local authorities. For details of how to calculate the deduction, please inquire your local revenue office.


Notes and Terms and Conditions


Handling of Personal Information



The General Affairs Department, MOA Museum of Art


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